How long vaselife does a flower have? There is no exact answer I believe. It depends on the variety, but also what stage the flower is in when harvesting, during what time you harvest during the day, the weather and aftercare, and more. Most of our seeds are suitable for cutting, that is that they have high and sturdy stems, rich in flowering and have a generally long vaselife. In our experience, our flowers (grown in open field) can last between five days up to two weeks. To take the best care of your harvested flowers, you can make new cuts from time to time, change the water every day and keep them cool and dark during the night.
Is the longest vaselife the most desirable? Is a cutflower "more worthy" if it lasts one or two days more? Really, I believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder - and it is up to oneself. Isn't it so that we can enjoy things even if it is for a shorter period? Also, it can be so beautiful to mix buds, newly flowering flowers and fully flowering. How beautiful is for example tulips, whilst they wither - when they sway over the vase, the colors fade and their shape turns wild? A tip is to throw away some flowers from a bouquet, replacing them with newly fresh and keep the bouquet longer.